Sloppy Joes

Who doesn’t love sloppy joes? They are the perfect food to share with your many roommates -which you definitely have if you’re like me: 23 years old and living in the Bay Area.



1 package ground turkey (You can use ground beef, but turkey is better for you and better for the environment.)

1/2 chopped onion (I like it best with a white or yellow onion. Honestly, red onions are great but I mostly reserve them for things that need raw onions.)


Yellow mustard

Sweet relish

BBQ sauce

Toasted buns (Toasting the buns are worth the effort.)


  1. Put a little oil in a pan and cook the onions in it until they are translucent and soft.

  2. Add the turkey and cook until almost totally cooked.

  3. Start adding the sauces and keep them simmering to finish cooking the turkey. Start with about 2 tablespoons of each condiment, except for the BBQ sauce -add about a 1/2 cup of that. You can adjust the levels of condiments to your liking. For example, for more tang, add relish. For more sweetness, add BBQ sauce. The only issue with adding more sauces is that it’ll take more time to cook down and will end up more sloppy. I see no issue with that.

  4. Serve that slop.

meatSarah Youngrecipe