Apple & Brie Grilled Cheese

This is actually based on a recipe from Chrissy Teigen’s newest cookbook, Cravings: Hungry for More. She uses peaches in her recipe, but those can be hard to find out of season and I want to eat these all year long.


Sliced bread

Sweet Thai chili sauce (You may not have this, but honestly, this is so good you ought to go buy it.)


Apple juice

Red onion (Important for it to be red since you won’t be cooking it. Nobody wants raw not-red onion unless it’s on In-N-Out.)

Brie cheese



  1. Butter the heck out of your bread.

  2. Spread a heaping tablespoon of the chili sauce on the inside of both slices.

  3. Slice the onion. In order to get ring-like slices, hold the onion like you’re opening a piece of taffy (from the ends). Cut in the middle and slice to make rings. Place a few rings on one slice.

  4. Chop the apple into wedges. Put the wedges and some apple juice into a pan and simmer until the apples are softened but not soft.

  5. Put a few apple wedges on the slice, followed by a slab of brie.

  6. Close the sandwich and grill that cheese. Do it on a low heat to toast the bread and melt the cheese at the same time.

snacks, carbsSarah Youngrecipe