Savory Chinese Egg Custard

My great aunt and uncle introduced me to this souther Chinese comfort food. If you do it right, it can be so satisfying and warming.


1 green onion, minced

1 c chicken broth

4 eggs

1 tsp rice wine

1 tsp vegetable oil

1/4 tsp salt

1/4 tsp sugar

Oyster sauce


  1. Beat the eggs in a heatproof bowl.

  2. Add the green onion, rice wine, salt, oil, and sugar.

  3. Heat the chicken broth (not quite boiling) and add slowly to the egg mixture, stirring constantly. You don’t want to scramble the eggs.

  4. Put the whole bowl (bowl included) into a steamer and gently steam for 20 minutes. The slower you steam, the creamier the custard. The center should be solid but springy.

  5. Splash with oyster sauce and serve.