
One of those things that really does taste better when you make it from scratch. My roommate makes the absolute best!



3 avocados

1 tomato

1/4 red onion

Lime juice



  1. Cut open the avocados. Sounds easier than it is. First, cut around the avocado lengthwise. Twist to open. One side will have the pit in it. Holding that side in the palm of your hand, carefully but firmly lodge the knife in the pit with a chopping motion. Twist the knife and lift the pit out. Use a spoon to scoop the avocado flesh out. Honestly, watch a video on YouTube if you need to see how this is safely done.

  2. Chop and add the tomato and onion.

  3. Liberally season with lime juice and salt. This is the best part because I always get to taste and check to see what it needs more of.

  4. If you’re fancy, add a sprig of cilantro on top.

snacksSarah Youngrecipe