Chrissy Teigen's Cravings

My all-time favorite cookbook. Need I say more?

Well, I will say more. My boyfriend got this cookbook for Christmas last year and I will admit I was skeptical. Who thought that a swimsuit model would know anything about food? I was so wrong. This book single-handedly stopped me from judging other women on appearances alone. Chrissy, you gorgeous genius. Every single recipe in this cookbook that we’ve made (which is nearly all of them), is AMAZING. They are not particularly healthy and you will eat yourself sick, but it is worth it.

Some of my favorites are the chicken satay with peanut sauce, the Italian sausage meatloaf, the coconut rice, the butternut squash soup, the cobb salad…I need to stop. I am literally just reading down the table of contents. Go out and buy this book immediately. You will not regret it.

cookbooksSarah Youngtips